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How to say 

"To walk away / To leave" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Mar 02, 2017 (see all)
[ u-ha-déet' ]
Verb , imperfective
Perfective - уйти́
to walk away, to leave

Examples of "To walk away / To leave" in Russian

  • Мне пора́ уходи́ть.

    mnye pa-rá u-ha-déet'

    I have to go. / It's time for me to go.

  • Вы уже́ ухо́дите?

    vy u-zhé u-hó-dee-tee

    Are you leaving already?

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Same stem words

to enter, to go into, to come in, to get in; to be a part of, to be a member of, to be included in
to pass / go / walk (by / through / over / along); to be held; to be over; to go off
прихо́жая [pree-hó-zha-ya] Noun , feminine
hallway (the first room in a flat where people leave outdoor clothing, shoes, etc.)
approach; (in fitness) set of repetitions
to walk, to go

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