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Russian word of the day: Сработаться

Jun 03, 2022 (see all)
[ sra-bó-ta-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Instumental
Imperfective - сраба́тываться
to work well together; to achieve harmony in work

Morphemic analysis

prefix: с
root: работ
suffix: а
ending: ть
suffix: ся


работа - work/job


  • За полтора́ го́да они́ непло́хо срабо́тались и притёрлись друг к дру́гу.

    za pal-ta-rá gó-da a-nee nee-pló-ha sra-bó-ta-lees' ee pree-tyór-lees' druk k drú-gu

    For a year and a half, they worked well together and got used to each other.

  • Они́ не срабо́тались сра́зу же, но вы́нуждены бы́ли терпе́ть друг дру́га до оконча́ния прое́кта.

    a-née nye sra-bó-ta-lees' srá-zu zhe, no vý-nuzh-dee-ny bý-lee teer-pyét' druk drú-ga da a-kan-chá-nee-ya pra-ék-ta

    They could not work well together right away, but were forced to endure each other until the end of the project.

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Same stem words

to develop, to design, to engineer, to elaborate, to exploit, to work up, to process
безрабо́тица [beez-ra-bó-tee-tsa] Noun , feminine
работя́га [ra-ba-tyá-ga] Noun , masculine or feminine
hard worker; plodder; blue-collar worker
to do some work, to put in some work
to earn additionally, to earn on the side
безрабо́тный [beez-ra-bót-nyî] Adjective
unemployed, jobless
рабо́та [ra-bó-ta] Noun , feminine
work, job
to work
to earn

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