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Russian word of the day: Взвешивать

May 27, 2022 (see all)
[ vzvyé-shee-vát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative, Prepositional
Perfective - взве́сить
to weigh; (figuratively) to consider

Morphemic analysis

prefix: вз
root: веш
suffix: ива
ending: ть


вес - weight


  • Она́ говори́ла, взве́шивая ка́ждое сло́во.

    a-ná ga-vá-rée-la, vzvyé-shee-va-ya kázh-da-ye sló-va

    She spoke weighing every word.

  • На э́тих веса́х мо́жно взве́шивать с то́чностью до одно́й со́той гра́мма.

    na é-teeh vee-sáh mózh-na vzvyé-shee-vat' s tóch-nast'-yu da ad-nóî só-taî grám-ma

    On these scales you can weigh with an accuracy of one hundredth of a gram.

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Same stem words

равнове́сие [rav-na-vé-see-ye] Noun , neuter
balance, equilibrium; equipoise
невесо́мость [nee-vee-só-mast'] Noun , feminine
to weigh oneself
весы́ [vee-sý] Noun , plural
scales, balance
to weigh

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