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Russian word of the day: Раскинуться

Jun 07, 2022 (see all)
[ ras-kée-nu-tsa ]
Verb , perfective
to span, to spread; to sprawl

Morphemic analysis

prefix: рас
root: ки
suffix: ну
ending: ть
suffix: ся


кидать/кинуть - to throw
Russian Pod 101


  • По берега́м реки́ раски́нулись поля́ и огоро́ды.

    pa bee-ree-gám ree-kée ras-kée-nu-lees' pa-lyá ee a-ga-ró-dy

    Fields and gardens were spread along the river banks.

  • Высоко́ над на́ми раски́нулось бескра́йнее звёздное не́бо.

    vy-sa-kó nad ná-mee ras-kée-nu-las' bees-kráî-nye-ye zvyózd-na-ye nyé-ba

    High above us, the boundless starry sky spread out.

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Same stem words

to throw, to cast, to fling
to throw out, to throw away, to discard
to calculate, to estimate, to reckon, to figure out; to try on

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