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How to say 

"To pull" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 27, 2022 (see all)
[ tee-nút' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - протяну́ть, вы́тянуть
to pull, to draw, to haul, to drag

Morphemic analysis

root: тя
suffix: ну
ending: ть

Useful information

тяну́ть ру́ку - to lift one's hand (to answer in a class)

Examples of "To pull" in Russian

  • Она́ была́ пе́рвой в своём кла́ссе и всё вре́мя тяну́ла ру́ку, что́бы отве́тить.

    a-ná by-lá pyér-vaî f sva-yóm klás-sye ee fsyo vryé-mya tee-nú-la rú-ku, chtó-by at-vyé-teet'

    She was first in her class and always lifted her hand to answer.

  • Жизнь в го́роде была́ интере́сной, но его́ всё ча́ще тяну́ло домо́й в дере́вню.

    zheezn' v gó-ra-dye by-lá een-tee-ryés-naî, no ye-vó fsyo chá-schye tee-né-la da-móî v dee-ryév-nyu

    Life in the city was interesting, but he was increasingly drawn to his home in the village.

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