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Russian word of the day: Пронизывать

Jul 11, 2022 (see all)
[ pra-née-zy-vat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - прониза́ть
to pierce, to penetrate, to permeate, to run through

Morphemic analysis

prefix: про
root: низ
suffix: ыва
ending: ть


низать - to put on a thread


  • Хо́лод прони́зывал до косте́й.

    hó-lat pra-née-zy-val da kas-tyéî

    The cold pierced to the bones.

  • Её взгляд прони́зывал наскво́зь, хоть го́лос и звуча́л благожела́тельно.

    ye-yó vzglyát pra-née-zy-val nask-vós', hot' gó-las ee zvu-chál bla-ga-zhee-lá-teel'-na

    Her gaze was piercing through, although her voice sounded benevolent.

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