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How to say 

"To perform" in Russian

Russian word of the day | May 23, 2022 (see all)
[ vys-tu-pát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Instumental
Perfective - вы́ступить
to perform, to speak in public; to stand/stick out; to be

Morphemic analysis

prefix: вы
root: ступ
suffix: а
ending: ть


ступать - to step

Examples of "To perform" in Russian

  • Сторона́ми догово́ра мо́гут выступа́ть как физи́ческие, так и юриди́ческие ли́ца.

    sta-ra-ná-mee da-ga-vó-ra mó-gut vys-tu-pát' kak fee-zée-chees-kee-ye tak ee yu-ree-dée-chees-kee-ye lée-tsa

    The parties to the agreement can be both individuals and legal entities.

  • Она́ успе́шно ведёт свой би́знес, выступа́я с ле́кциями, за кото́рые получа́ет неплохи́е де́ньги.

    a-ná us-pyésh-na vee-dyót svoî béez-nes, vys-tu-pá-ya s lyék-tsee-ya-mee, za ka-tó-ry-ye pa-lu-chá-eet nee-pla-hée-ye dyén'-gee

    She successfully runs her business giving lectures for which she receives good money.

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