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How to say 

"To notice" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 28, 2021 (see all)
[ za-mee-chát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - заме́тить (see below)
to notice, to mark, to observe, to catch sight of; to remark, to comment

The perfective aspect

заме́тить [za-myé-teet'] Verb , perfective
to notice; to remark, to observe
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "To notice" in Russian

  • Я ра́ньше и не замеча́ла, как мно́го у тебя́ седы́х воло́с.

    ya rán'-she ee nye za-mee-chá-la, kak mnó-go u tee-byá see-dýh va-lós

    I never noticed before how much gray hair you have.

  • До э́того моме́нта её прису́тствия никто́ не замеча́л.

    da é-ta-va ma-myén-ta ye-yó pree-sútst-vee-ya neek-tó nye za-mee-chál

    Until that moment, no one noticed her presence.

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2 thoughts on “Замечать

  1. Привет
    I was trying learn new words so I clicked at one of the options. it was a Russian word and suddenly it took me to another page in English.
    Please be careful.
    We love Russian language.
    До свидания !

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