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How to say 

"To meow" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 10, 2022 (see all)
[ mee-ú-kat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Perfective - мяу́кнуть
to meow

Morphemic analysis

root: мяу
suffix: ка
ending: ть

Examples of "To meow" in Russian

  • Котя́та вылеза́ли из коро́бки и не перестава́я мяу́кали.

    ka-tyá-ta vy-lee-zá-lee ees ka-róp-kee ee nye pee-rees-ta-vá-ya mee-ú-ka-lee

    The kittens were crawling out of the box and meowing non-stop.

  • Кот, тихо́нько мяу́кая, подошёл к двери́.

    kot, tee-hón'-ka mee-ú-ka-ya, pa-da-shel k dvee-rée

    The cat, meowing softly, approached the door.

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