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Russian word of the day: Заглядывать

Nov 15, 2021 (see all)
[ za-glyá-dy-vat' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative, Dative
Perfective - загляну́ть
to look into, to have a look at, to peep in; to drop in


  • Обы́чно на таки́е мероприя́тия наро́ду прихо́дит мно́го, быва́ет, что загля́дывают лю́ди соверше́нно случа́йные.

    a-bých-na na ta-kée-ye mee-ra-pree-yá-tee-ya na-ró-du pree-hó-deet mnó-ga, by-vá-eet, chto za-glyá-dy-va-yut lyú-dee sa-veer-shén-na slu-cháÎ-ny-ye

    Usually a lot of people come to such events, it happens that completely random people drop in.

  • Когда́ в ко́мнату загля́дывали ма́ма и́ли па́па, она́ притворя́лась спя́щей.

    kag-dá f kóm-na-ty za-glyá-dy-va-lee má-ma eé-lee pá-pa, a-ná pree-tva-ryá-las' spyá-schyeî

    When mom or dad looked into the room, she pretended to be asleep.

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Same stem words

to look, to have a look
to look out; to peep out, to appear

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2 thoughts on “Заглядывать

  1. Hello, in the first example, why is наро́ду in dative?
    And in the second example, I note that the plural загля́дывали is used for ма́ма и́ли па́па. So in Russian, the verb has to be in plural even in cases like A or B? In English singular would be used. Just to confirm. Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      Good questions.

      Народу is not actually Dative, it’s Genitive. There are two forms of народ in Genitive: народа and народу. Both are correct, however народу is mostly used in the conversational speech.

      As for the заглядывали, in Russian there are no strict rules about it. It is common to use the singular form when the verb precedes the nouns (we already talked about it once), but here, since the gender of people is different, it’s more convenient to use plural. Otherwise you would have to say:

      Когда в комнату заглядывала мама или заглядывал папа…

      Which is a mouthful even for a written speech.

      Also, when you want to stress the fact that multiple options are possible, it’s better to use the plural form of the verb.

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