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How to say 

"To heal" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jan 26, 2022 (see all)
[ ees-tse-léet' ]
Verb , perfective
Often used with the Accusative
Imperfective - исцеля́ть
to heal, to cure

Morphemic analysis

prefix: ис
root: цел
suffix: и
ending: ть


целый - whole, entire, full
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "To heal" in Russian

  • Любо́вь спосо́бна исцели́ть челове́ка и помо́чь ему́ реализова́ться в жи́зни.

    lyu-bóf' spa-sób-na ess-tse-leet' chee-la-vyé-ka ee pa-móch' ye-mú ree-a-lee-za-va-tsa v zhéez-nee

    Love is capable to heal people and help them realize themselves in life.

  • Всего́ лишь за па́ру ме́сяцев он исцели́л ю́ношу, кото́рый не мог разогну́ть спи́ну не́сколько лет.

    fsee-vó leesh' za pá-ru myé-sya-tsef on ess-tse-léel yú-na-shu, ka-ró-ryî nye mok ra-za-gnút' spee-nú nyés-kal'-ka lyet

    In just a couple of months, he healed a young man who could not straighten his back for several years.

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Same stem words

целе́бный [tsee-lyéb-nyI] Adjective
curative, medicinal, healing; salubrious; healthy
поцелу́й [pa-tsee-lúî] Noun , masculine
to kiss (one another)

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6 thoughts on “Исцелить

  1. Hello, in the first example, why is short adjective спосо́бна used? is it possible to use a verb like мо́жет instead? Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      It’s the same as the difference between “can” and “capable”. Here, the accent is made on the fact that love has this capability. When you say “может”, it sounds a bit more random: может исцелить, а может и не исцелить. Capability, on the other hand, is always there, even if it did not realize its potential.

      Basically, it’s a matter of what meaning you want to give to the sentence. 🙂

  2. Can I obtain the words that were taught 6 months to 1 year ago? I practiced every night for a while, then unfortunately dropped off. I would like to review them. I have forgotten do download them.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Harry,

      All the previous words are available in our Calendar. You can select any month from the moment we started. However, they do not include exercises that were included in the newsletter, we do not keep the log of them.

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