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"To frighten" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jun 30, 2022 (see all)
[ pu-gát' ]
Verb , imperfective
Often used with the Accusative
Perfective - напуга́ть
to frighten, to scare

Morphemic analysis

root: пуг
suffix: а
ending: ть
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "To frighten" in Russian

  • Тру́дности не пуга́ли де́вушку, наоборо́т её любопы́тство то́лько возраста́ло.

    trúd-nas-tee nye pu-gá-lee dyé-vush-ku, na-a-ba-rót ye-yó lyu-ba-pýtst-va tól'-ka vaz-ras-tá-la

    Difficulties did not frighten the girl, on the contrary, her curiosity only increased.

  • Его́ безразли́чие пу́гало бо́льше любы́х эмо́ций.

    ye-vó beez-raz-lée-chee-ye pu-gá-la ból'-she lyu-býh e-mó-tseeî

    His indifference was more frightening than any emotion.

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Same stem words

to get scared, to get frightened

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