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How to say 

"Happy birthday" in Russian

Russian phrase of the day | Dec 23, 2018 (see all)
с днём рожде́ния
[ s dnyom razh-dyé-nee-ya ]
happy birthday

Useful information

As you will see in the examples below, you can say Happy Birthday in Russian in a few different ways. The first, the long one, is:

- Поздравля́ю с днём рожде́ния!

Using the words "поздравля́ю c" (I congratulate you with), you can congratulate people on any occasion. For example:

- Поздравля́ю с рожде́нием ребёнка!
- I congratulate you with the birth of your baby!

The second, short way of saying "Happy Birthday" in Russian is simply without the word "поздравля́ю":

- C днём рожде́ния!

And again, you can use this construction for any occasion:

- С новосе́льем!
- (I congratulate you) With a new home!

In all those cases you can add "you" in the sentence, if you wish. It would be "тебя́" for informal situations, and "вас" for formal ones. If you include "поздравля́ю" in your sentence, "you" comes right after it. Otherwise, add it at the very end. For example:

- Поздравля́ю тебя́ с днём рожде́ния!
- C днём рожде́ния вас!

Pay attention, that everything that comes after the preposition "c" in this case, should be in the Instrumental case (поздравля́ть с чем? с днём рождения, с новосе́льем etc.)

Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Happy birthday" in Russian

  • Поздравля́ю с днём рожде́ния!

    pazd-rav-lyá-yu s dnyom razh-dyé-nee-ya

    Happy Birthday! (Lit. - I congratulate you with your birthday!)

  • С днём рожде́ния тебя́! Всего́ са́мого наилу́чшего!

    s dnyom razh-dyé-nee-ya tee-byá! fsee-vó sá-ma-va na-ee-lúch-shee-va

    Happy Birthday to you! All the best! (informal)

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