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Russian phrase of the day: Из рук вон плохо

Sep 29, 2017 (see all)
из рук вон пло́хо
[ eez ruk von pló-ha ]
quite wretched(ly), bad as bad could be


  • Дела́ в компа́нии шли из рук вон пло́хо.

    dee-lá f kam-pá-nee-ee shlee eez ruk von pló-ha

    Things in the company were going very bad.

  • Слу́жба безопа́сности срабо́тала из рук вон пло́хо.

    slúzh-ba bee-za-pás-nas-tee sra-bó-ta-la eez ruk von pló-ha

    The security service performed as bad as bad can be.

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More Russian sentences with the words that contain "из рук вон плохо".

  • Они́ равноду́шные и безотве́тственные - вот почему́ у них всё из рук вон пло́хо.

    a-née rav-na-dúsh-ny-ye ee bee-zat-vyétst-veen-ny-ye - vot pa-chee-mú u neeh fsyo eez ruk von plo-ha

    They are indifferent and irresponsible - that's why everything goes so bad for them.

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2 thoughts on “Из рук вон плохо

  1. Michael J Noreika says:

    In a section like Phrasebook and examples, it would greatly help to be able to copy them all together on one or two pages. They are now too spread out to do that. thank. I love your programs. This would be great in other sections too so we could copy them without using many sheets of paper.

    • Learn Russian Daily says:

      Hello Michael,

      Thanks for the suggestions, we always welcome them. As I said in my previous answer, we will think about it.

      As for the phrasebook, we have some additional plans about it, but currently not enough resources to give it all attention it needs. Hopefully, in 2020, we can make our plans happen. 🙂

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