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How to say 

"Family" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Apr 13, 2020 (see all)
[ seem'-yá ]
Noun , feminine

Examples of "Family" in Russian

  • Мы е́дем в о́тпуск всей семьёй.

    my yé-deem v ót-pusk fsyeî seem'-yóî

    We go on vacation with the whole family.

  • Передава́й приве́т от нас всей семье́.

    pee-ree-da-váî pree-vyét at nas fsyeî seem'-yé

    Say hello from us to the whole family.

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Declension of the word семья

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. семья́ се́мьи
Genitive Gen. семьи́ семе́й
Dative Dat. семье́ се́мьям
Accusative Acc. семью́ се́мьи
Instrumental Inst. семьёй се́мьями
Prepositional Prep. семье́ се́мьях

Additional examples

  • Вся семья́ ра́довалась его́ прие́зду.

    vsya seem'-ya rá-da-va-las' ee-vó pree-yéz-du

    The whole family was happy about his arrival.

  • Вся семья́ собрала́сь в гости́ной.

    fsya seem'-ya sab-ra-las' v gas-tée-naî

    The whole family gathered in the living room.

  • Семья́ - э́то осно́ва на́шего о́бщества, и́менно она́ де́лает жизнь челове́ка эмоциона́льно и духо́вно напо́лненной.

    seem'-yá - é-ta as-nó-va ná-shee-va óp-scheest-va, eé-meen-na a-na dyé-la-eet zheezn' chee-la-vyé-ka e-ma-tsee-a-nál'-na ee du-hóv-na na-pól-neen-naî

    The family is the foundation of our society, it is what makes a person's life emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.

  • Настоя́щее бога́тство челове́ка – э́то его́ семья́, здоро́вье, друзья́ - всё то́, что нельзя́ купи́ть ни за каки́е де́ньги.

    nas-ta-yá-schye-ye ba-gátst-va chee-la-vyé-ka - é-ta ye-vó seem'-yá, zda-róv'-ye, druz'-ya - fsyo to, chto neel'-zyá ku-péet' nee za ka-kée-ye dyén'-gee

    The real wealth of a person is his family, health, friends - everything that can not be bought for any money.

  • В Росси́и при́нято целова́ться при встре́че то́лько с бли́зкими друзья́ми и чле́нами семьи́.

    v ras-sée-ee prée-nya-ta tse-la-vá-tsa pree fstryé-chye tól'-ka c bléez-kee-mee druz'-yá-mee ee chlyé-na-mee seem'-ee

    In Russia, it is customary to kiss only when meeting close friends and family members.

  • Постоя́нное потака́ние малышу́ гото́вит по́чву для капри́зов и после́дующего манипули́рования взро́слыми чле́нами семьи́.

    pas-ta-yán-na-ye pa-ta-ká-nee-ye ma-ly-shú ga-tó-veet póch-vu dlya kap-rée-zaf ee pas-lyé-du-yu-schee-va ma-nee-pu-lée-ra-va-nee-ya chlyé-na-mee seem'-ee

    Constant connivance with the baby sets the stage for the whims and subsequent manipulation of adult family members.

  • Их сва́дебная церемо́ния прошла́ в те́сном кругу́ семьи́ и бли́зких друзе́й.

    eeh svá-deeb-na-ya tsee-ree-mó-nee-ya prash-lá f tyés-nam kru-gú seem'-ee ee bleés-keeh dru-zyéî

    Their wedding ceremony was held in a close circle of family and close friends.

  • Он вы́ходец из бе́дной, но о́чень культу́рной семьи́.

    on vý-ha-deets eez byéd-naî, no ó-cheen' kul'-túr-naî seem'-ee

    He comes from a poor but very cultured family.

  • Он торопи́лся домо́й, ра́достно предвкуша́я прия́тный ве́чер в кругу́ семьи́.

    on ta-ra-péel-sya da-móî, rá-das-na preet-fku-shá-ya pree-yat-nyî vyé-chyer f kru-gú seem'-ee

    He hurried home, joyfully anticipating a pleasant evening with his family.

  • В са́мые тру́дные мину́ты он ощуща́л подде́ржку семьи́ и друзе́й.

    f sa-my-ye trúd-ny-ye mee-nú-ty, on a-schu-schál pad-dyérsh-ku seem'-ee ee dru-zyéî

    In the most difficult moments, he felt the support of family and friends.

  • Он был еди́нственным ребёнком в семье́.

    on byl ye-déenst-veen-nym ree-byón-kam f seem'-ye

    He was the only child in the family.

  • Не́сколько часо́в, потра́ченных на приготовле́ние соле́ний, обеспе́чат семью́ поле́зными запа́сами на всю зи́му.

    nyés-kal'-ka chá-sóf, pat-rá-cheen-nyh na pree-ga-tav-lyé-nee-ye sa-lyé-neeî, a-bees-pyé-chat seem'-yu pa-lyéz-ny-mee za-pá-sa-mee na fsyu zée-mu

    A few hours spent preparing conserved vegetables will provide a family with useful supplies for the whole winter.

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2 thoughts on “Семья

  1. Katherine Neckenauer says:

    Good morning, My biggest problem is to get to grips with numbers, also when you say “such and such year” and need to use the prepositional case
    For example: Pushkin was born in 1799 and died in 1837, this takes me ages to say
    Thank you

    • Learn Russian Daily says:

      Hello Katherine,

      Thank you for your comment and your kind donation.

      Numbers are traditionally the most difficult part to remember, especially in different cases.

      On our site Learn Russian Step by Step, we are now preparing a lesson about the declension of Russian numbers. And one of the following lessons will be about the use of years.

      I can’t tell you when exactly, we are a very small team, but it is planned.

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