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"Enterprise" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Feb 12, 2021 (see all)
[ preet-pree-yá-tee-ye ]
Noun , neuter
enterprise, endeavor, business, undertaking; plant, works, factory, development

Examples of "Enterprise" in Russian

  • Осно́вой успе́ха предприя́тия явля́ются ка́чество проду́кции и ориента́ция на совреме́нные техноло́гии.

    as-nó-vaî us-pyé-ha preet-pree-yá-tee-ya yav-lyá-yu-tsa ká-cheest-va pra-dúk-tsee-ee ee a-ree-yen-tá-tsee-ya na sav-ree-myén-ny-ye teeh-na-ló-gee-ee

    The enterprise's success is based on product quality and focus on modern technology.

  • С моме́нта основа́ния предприя́тие успе́шно растёт и развива́ется.

    s ma-mýen-ta as-na-vá-nee-ya preet-pree-yá-tee-ye us-pyésh-na ras-tyót ee raz-vee-vá-ee-tsa

    Since its foundation, the business has been successfully growing and developing.

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Declension of the word предприятие

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. предприя́тие предприя́тия
Genitive Gen. предприя́тия предприя́тий
Dative Dat. предприя́тию предприя́тиям
Accusative Acc. предприя́тие предприя́тия
Instrumental Inst. предприя́тием предприя́тиями
Prepositional Prep. предприя́тии предприя́тиях

Additional examples

  • Никто́ не хоте́л ввя́зываться в тако́е риско́ванное предприя́тие.

    neek-tó nye ha-tyél vvyá-zy-va-tsa f ta-kó-ye rees-kó-van-na-ye preet-pree-yá-tee-ye

    No one wanted to get involved in such a risky enterprise.

  • Плани́рование явля́ется ключевы́м аспе́ктом успе́ха любо́го предприя́тия.

    pla-née-ra-ve-nee-ye yav-lyá-ee-tsa klyu-chee-výh as-pyék-tam us-pyé-ha lyu-bó-va preet-pree-yá-tee-ya

    Planning is a key aspect of the success of any endeavour.

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2 thoughts on “Предприятие

  1. Hello, I again have the question about singular and plural. Why is являться in singular in the first example given that there are 2 things linked by и? Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hello Anita,

      I guess the answer will be that in conversational speech, the speaker often comes up with what he wants to say on the go, so you might hear singular where it should be plural. The right way is plural, of course.

      I’ve corrected the example to make it grammatically correct. Thanks for noticing. 🙂

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