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"Fluffy" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Jul 20, 2022 (see all)
[ pu-shées-tyî ]
downy, fluffy

Morphemic analysis

root: пуш
suffix: ист
ending: ый


пух - down; fluff, fuzz
Russian Pod 101

Examples of "Fluffy" in Russian

  • У ба́бушки до́лгое вре́мя жил большо́й ры́жий пуши́стый кот.

    u bá-bush-kee dól-ga-ye vryé-mya zheel bal'-shóî rý-zheeî pu-shées-tyî kot

    Grandma had a big red fluffy cat for a long time.

    Lit.: At grandma's, for a long time, a big red fluffy cat lived.

  • Начала́сь така́я мете́ль, что весь го́род почти́ момента́льно оказа́лся засы́пан бе́лым пуши́стым сне́гом.

    na-chá-lás' ta-ká-ya mee-tyél', chto vyes' gó-rat pach-tée ma-meen-tál'-na a-ka-zál-sya za-sý-pan byé-lym pu-shées-tym snyé-gam

    Such a blizzard began that the whole city was almost immediately covered with white fluffy snow.

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Additional examples

More Russian sentences with the words that contain "пушист".

  • Пуши́стый разбо́йник сла́дко дрема́л в глубине́ кре́сла.

    pu-shées-tyî raz-bóî-neek slát-ka dree-mál v glu-bee-nyé kryés-la

    The fluffy bandit was dozing sweetly in the back of the chair.

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