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"Annoying" in Russian

Russian word of the day | Dec 15, 2021 (see all)
[ na-da-yéd-lee-vyî ]
tiresome, troublesome, annoying, boring, bothersome, bothering; pesky

Morphemic analysis

root: надоед
suffix: лив
ending: ый


на + доедать - over + finish eating = overeat

Examples of "Annoying" in Russian

  • Че́рез полчаса́ на́чал мороси́ть ме́лкий надое́дливый до́ждик.

    chyé-rees pol-chee-sá ná-chal ma-ra-séet' myél-keeî na-da-yéd-lee-vyî dózh-deek

    In half an hour, a small annoying rain began to drizzle.

  • В голове́ у него́ крути́лась надое́дливая мело́дия, от кото́рой он не мог изба́виться с самого́ у́тра.

    v ga-la-vyé u nee-vó kru-tée-las' na-da-yéd-lee-va-ya mee-ló-dee-ya, at ka-tó-raî on nye mok eez-bá-vee-tsa s sa-ma-va ut-rá

    An annoying melody, which he could not get rid of from the very morning, played in his head.

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Same stem words

to bother, to pester, to bore, to molest, to annoy

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