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Russian word of the day: Деятельность

Apr 21, 2021 (see all)
[ dyé-ya-teel'-nast' ]
Noun , feminine
action, activity, industry, enterprise


  • В настоя́щее вре́мя компа́ния плани́рует расшире́ние свое́й де́ятельности на росси́йском ры́нке.

    v nas-ta-yá-schye-ye vryé-mya kam-pá-nee-ya pla-née-ru-yet ras-shee-ryé-nee-ye sva-yéî dye-ya teel'-nas-tee na ras-séeî-skam rýn-kye

    The company is currently planning to expand its activities in the Russian market.

  • Кора́лловые ри́фы ги́бнут в результа́те де́ятельности челове́ка.

    ka-rál-la-vy-ye rée-fy géeb-nut v ree-sul'-tá-tye dyé-ya-teel'-nas-tee chee-la-vyé-ka

    Coral reefs are dying as a result of human activities.

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Declension of the word деятельность

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Nom. де́ятельность де́ятельности
Genitive Gen. де́ятельности де́ятельностей
Dative Dat. де́ятельности де́ятельностям
Accusative Acc. де́ятельность де́ятельности
Instrumental Inst. де́ятельностью де́ятельностями
Prepositional Prep. де́ятельности де́ятельностях

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4 thoughts on “Деятельность

  1. Hello, what is the difference between росси́йский and ру́сский? Can I use ру́сском in the first example? Thanks.a

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Hi Anita,

      Российский is related to Russia as a state. Русский is related to everything Russian.

      For example, Russian poet Mayakovsky is русский but not российский because he lived and got famous during the USSR time, so he is советский поэт (Soviet poet).

      Using русский instead of российский in the first example would not be correct as we are specifically talking about the market in Russia (as a state).

  2. Another question, is де́ятельность always used in singular in Russian, although in English plural is used like in the examples? Thanks.

    • Learn Russian Words says:

      Good question.

      While the plural form exists, I can’t really recall an example where it would be used. So I would say yes, it is always used in singular.

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