Time in Russian - Page 4

Russian words and phrases related to time.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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су́тки [sút-kee] Noun, plural

24 hours, day (and night)

  • Они́ откры́ты 24 ча́са в су́тки.

    a-née atk-rý-ty dvá-tsat' chee-tý-rye chee-sá f sút-kee

    They are open 24 hours a day.

  • Шли вторы́е су́тки пути́.

    shlee vta-rý-ye sút-kee pu-tée

    It's been the second day of the trip.

ны́нче [nýn-che] Adjective, variation - "ны́не"

today, nowadays

  • Почём ны́нче арбу́зы?

    pa-chóm nýn-che ar-bú-zy

    How much are watermelons these days?

  • Дорого́е э́то ны́нче удово́льствие!

    da-ra-gó-ye é-ta nýn-che u-da-vól'st-vee-ye

    It's an expensive pleasure these days!