Shopping in Russian - Page 5

Do you like shopping? Learn how to do shopping in Russian with our series Russian Word of the Day!

Below you can find Russian words and phrases that you will need doing your groceries, going to a market, buying clothes in Russia, or doing online shopping on Russian websites.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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до́рого [dó-ra-ga] Adverb


  • Он до́рого заплати́л за свою́ оши́бку.

    on dó-ra-ga zap-la-téel za sva-yú a-shéep-ku

    He paid a high price for his mistake.

  • Э́то о́чень до́рого, есть что подеше́вле?

    é-ta ó-cheen' dó-ra-ga, yest' chto pa-dee-shév-lye

    It is very expensive, is there anything cheaper?

купи́ть [ku-péet'] Verb, perfective. Imperfective - покупа́ть

to buy, to purchase

  • Смотри́, что я купи́ла!

    smat-rée chto ya ku-pée-la

    Look what I bought!

  • Я в магази́н, тебе́ что-нибу́дь купи́ть?

    ya v ma-ga-zéen, tee-byé chto-nee-but' ku-péet'

    I'm off to the store, do you need anything (do you want me to buy anything for you)?

магази́н [ma-ga-zéen] Noun, masculine

shop, store

  • Я в магази́н собира́юсь, тебе́ чего́-нибу́дь на́до?

    ya v ma-ga-zéen sa-bee-rá-yus', tee-byé chee-vó-nee-bút' ná-da

    I'm going to the store, do you need anything?

  • Где здесь побли́зости продукто́вый магази́н?

    gdye zdyes' pab-lée-zas-tee pra-duk-tó-vy ma-ga-zéen

    Where is the grocery store nearby?