Pieces of furniture in Russian - Page 2

Learn the names of pieces of furniture in Russian with “Russian word of the day”.

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ту́мбочка [túm-bach-ka] Noun, feminine


  • Во́зле крова́ти стоя́ла небольша́я ту́мбочка.

    vóz-lee kra-vá-tee sta-yá-la nee-bal'-shá-ya túm-bach-ka

    There was was a small bedside table near the bed.

  • Ключи́ в ту́мбочке, в ни́жнем я́щике.

    klyu-chée f túm-bach-kye, v néezh-neem yá-schee-kye

    The keys are in the bedside-table, in the bottom drawer.