Directions in Russian - Page 2

Useful Russian vocabulary that will teach you to show and understand directions in Russian.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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ми́мо [mée-ma] Preposition

past, by; wide of the mark

  • Бу́дешь проходи́ть ми́мо, заходи́ в го́сти.

    bú-deesh pra-ha-déet' mée-ma, za-ha-dée v gós-tee

    If you will be passing by, come on a visit.

  • Он вы́стрелил, но попа́л ми́мо це́ли.

    on výst-ree-leel, no pa-pál mée-ma tsé-lee

    He shot, but missed the target.