Russian flashcards


Money and prosperity

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Words in category: 20

This session: card #1 out of 20

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дохо́д income, revenue; receipts, proceeds; profit, return
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сла́виться to be famous/renowned
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шика́рный chic, smart; fine, splendid, grand, magnificent, classy, snazzy
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изоби́лие abundance, affluence, profusion
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бога́тство wealth, riches; richness, resplendence, gorgeousness
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добро́тный good, solid, sound, good-quality
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благополу́чие well-being, prosperity, happiness
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копи́ть to save up, to put by; to store up, to lay up; to accumulate, to amass
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бе́дность poverty; beggary; misery
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зараба́тывать to earn
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процвета́ние prosperity, thrift, well-being
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бе́дный poor
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преуспева́ть to succeed, to be successful, to prosper, to thrive
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доста́ток prosperity, fortune, sufficiency
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доста́точно enough, sufficiently
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роско́шный luxurious, luxuriant, exuberant, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous
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бога́тый rich, wealthy
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вы́годный profitable, beneficial, lucrative, favorable
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успе́шный successful
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сла́ва fame, glory; reputation, repute


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