Pravda - Meaning in Russian

Pravda in Russian means truth.

In Russian alphabet it’s written пра́вда.

Pravda was the name of the official Soviet newspaper. In 1996, a few years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Pravda became the newspaper of the modern Russian Communist party.

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[právda] Noun , feminine

Examples of Pravda in Russian

  • Е́сли что́-то повторено́ ты́сячи раз, э́то не зна́чит, что э́то пра́вда.

    yéslee chtóta paftóreena týseechee ras, éta nye znácheet, chto éta právda

    If something is repeated thousands of times, it does not mean that it is true.

  • Здесь о́чень романти́чно, не пра́вда ли?

    sdyes' ócheen' ramantéechna, nye právda lee

    It's very romantic here, isn't it?

  • Лю́ди в Росси́и и пра́вда уме́ют весели́ться.

    lyúdee v rasséeee ee právda umyéyut veeseeléetsa

    People in Russia really know how to have fun.

  • Узна́ть, говори́т челове́к пра́вду и́ли врёт, мо́жно по движе́ниям его́ глаз.

    uznát', gavaréet cheelavyék právdu éelee vryot, mózhna pa dveezhéneeyam yevó glas

    You can find out whether a person is telling the truth or is lying by the movements of his eyes.

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