Russian phrases

зубна́я нить [zub-ná-ya neet'] Phrase
dental floss
так и́ли ина́че [tak ée-lee ee-ná-chye] Phrase
one way or another, anyway, anyhow, whether or no
замо́чная сква́жина [za-móch-na-ya skvá-zhee-na] Phrase
в одноча́сье [v ad-na-chás'-ye] Phrase
suddenly, overnight
с натя́гом [s na-tyá-gam] Phrase
(lit.) with tension, pulling; (conversational) by making some effort, pushing it
в чём мать родила́ [f chyom mat' ra-dee-lá] Phrase
in one’s birthday suit (lit.: in what mother gave birth, mother-naked)
как ни стра́нно [kak nee strán-na] Phrase
strangely enough, surprisingly
ху́до-бе́дно [hú-da-byéd-na] Phrase
at the very least
проси́ть проще́ния [pra-séet' pra-schyé-nee-ya] Phrase , perfective: попроси́ть проще́ния
to ask for forgiveness, to beg pardon, to apologize
по большо́му счёту [pa bal'-shó-mu schyó-tu] Phrase
by and large, overall
здра́вый смысл [zdrá-vyî smysl] Phrase
common sense
вре́мя от вре́мени [vryé-mya at vryé-mee-nee] Phrase
from time to time; occasionally
сла́бое звено́ [slá-ba-ye zvee-nó] Phrase
потеря́ть го́лову [pa-tee-ryát' gó-la-vu] Phrase
to lose one's head, to lose one's mind over something
мле́чный путь [mlyéch-nyî put'] Phrase
Milky Way
так и есть [tak ee yest'] Phrase
so it is, indeed
бегова́я доро́жка [bee-ga-vá-ya da-rósh-ka] Phrase
тренажёрный зал [tree-na-zhyór-nyî zal] Phrase
тем вре́менем [tyem vryé-mee-nyem] Phrase
meanwhile, in the meantime
пешехо́дный перехо́д [pee-shee-hód-nyî pee-ree-hót] Phrase
pedestrain crossing, crosswalk
до сих пор [da sih por] Phrase
still, until now, hitherto, heretofore, so far, up to this point
си́ла во́ли [sée-la vó-lee] Phrase
име́ть в виду́ [ee-myét' v vee-dú] Phrase
to mean, to imply; to keep in mind
коро́бка переда́ч [ka-róp-ka pee-ree-dách] Phrase
transmission, gearbox
приде́лать но́ги [pree-dyé-lat' nó-gee] Phrase
to steal (lit.: to attach legs)
дома́шнее зада́ние [da-másh-nye-ye za-dá-nee-ye] Phrase
вот-вот [vot-vot] Phrase
just about to, just on the point of, at any moment now
шве́йная маши́на [shvyéî-na-ya ma-shée-na] Phrase , you can say маши́на or маши́нка
sewing machine
зубна́я щётка [zub-ná-ya schyót-ka] Phrase
поса́дочный тало́н [pa-sá-dach-nyî ta-lón] Phrase
boarding pass