Survival Russian

In the section “Survival Russian” we gathered the basics of the Russian vocabulary for those who is just starting to learn Russian.

Survival Russian vocabulary will help you to remove the first bricks from your language barrier.

Here you can find most essential Russian words and phrases: how to say yes, no, hello, goodbye and thank you in Russian, and other.

If you already know all these basic Russian words, we recommend you to switch to the section Russian words for beginners.

Every word comes with a picture, two examples and an audio recorded by a native Russian speaker. Click on the word or a picture for more details.

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закры́то [za-krý-ta] Adverb


  • Я хоте́ла зайти́ в апте́ку, но там бы́ло закры́то.

    ya ha-tyé-la zaî-tée v ap-tyé-ku, no tam bý-la za-krý-ta

    I wanted to go to the pharmacy, but it was closed there.

  • Дверь закры́та с вну́тренней стороны́.

    dvyer' za-krý-ta s vnút-reen-nyeî sta-ra-ný

    The door is closed on the inside.

да [da] Particle, can be also an interjection with the meaning "and" or "but"

yes; sometimes used to amplify what was said (without "yes" meaning)

  • Ты всё поняла́? - Да.

    ty fsyo pa-nee-la? - da

    Did you understand everything? - Yes.

  • Да нет же, всё совсе́м не так!

    da nyet zhe, fsyo saf-syém nye tak

    But no, it's not like that at all!

  • Ты голо́дная? - Да, о́чень!

    ty ga-lód-na-ya - da, ó-cheen'

    Are you hungry? - Yes, very!

до́брый ве́чер [dób-ryî vyé-chyer] Phrase

good evening

  • До́брый ве́чер, как ва́ши дела́?

    dób-ryî vyé-chyer, kak vá-shee dee-lá

    Good evening! How are you?

  • Всем до́брый ве́чер, мы начина́ем наш конце́рт!

    fsyem dób-ryî vyé-chyer, my na-chee-ná-eem nash kan-tsért

    Good evening everyone, we are starting our concert!

нет [nyet] Particle


  • Хо́чешь ко́фе? - Нет, спаси́бо.

    hó-cheesh' kó-fye? - nyet, spa-sée-ba

    Would you like some coffee? - No thanks.

  • Вопро́сы есть? - Нет.

    va-pró-sy yest'? - nyet

    Any questions? (Lit.: Is there questions?) - No.

ру́сский [rús-keeî] Adjective


  • У него́ ма́ма ру́сская.

    u nee-vó má-ma rús-ka-ya

    His mother is Russian.

  • Он изуча́ет ру́сский язы́к.

    on ee-zu-chá-eet rús-keeî ya-zýk

    He is learning Russian language.

до́брый день [dób-ryî dyen'] Phrase

good afternoon, good day, hello

  • До́брый день. Проходи́те, сади́тесь.

    dób-ryî dyen'. pra-ha-dée-tye, sa-dée-tyes'

    Good day. Come in, sit down.

  • До́брый день. Вы не подска́жете, на како́м этаже́ ви́зовый центр?

    dób-ryî dyen'. vy nye pad-ská-zhee-tye, na ká-kóm e-ta-zhé vée-za-vyî tsentr

    Good day. Can you tell please me on which floor the visa center is?

краси́вый [kra-sée-vyî] Adjective

beautiful, handsome, good-looking

  • Краси́вой оса́нки мо́жно доби́ться регуля́рными упражне́ниями.

    kra-sée-vaî a-sán-kee mózh-na da-bée-tsa ree-gu-lyár-ny-mee up-razh-nyé-nee-ya-me

    Beautiful posture can be achieved by regular exercises.

  • У него́ краси́вый го́лос.

    u nee-vó kra-sée-vyî gó-las

    He has a beautiful voice.

не за что [nye za chto] Phrase

don't mention it, there is nothing to thank me for, no problem

  • Спаси́бо большо́е. - Да не́ за что, пустяки́.

    spa-sée-ba bal'-shó-ye. - da nye za chto, pus-tee-kée

    Thank you so much. - Don't mention it, these are small things.

  • Спаси́бо. - Не́ за что, ра́да помо́чь.

    spa-sée-ba. - nye za chto, rá-da pa-móch'

    Thank you. - Don't mention it, I'm happy to help.

будь здоро́в! / бу́дьте здоро́вы! [but' zda-róf / bút'-tye zda-ró-vy] Phrase, for a woman - будь здоро́ва

bless you! (after somebody sneezes, lit. - be healthy!)

  • Когда́ кто-то ря́дом чиха́ет, бу́дет ве́жливым сказа́ть "будьте здоро́вы".

    kag-dá któ-ta ryá-dam chee-há-eet. bú-deet vyézh-lee-vym ska-zát' "bút'-tye zda-ró-vy"

    When someone nearby sneezes, it will be polite to say "bless you".

  • Апчхи! - Будь здоро́ва! - Спаси́бо.

    apch-hée! - but' zda-ró-va. - spa-sée-ba

    Ahchoo! - Bless you! - Thank you.

осторо́жно [as-ta-rózh-na] Adverb

carefully, cautiously; with care!; be careful!; watch out!

  • Осторо́жно, окра́шено!

    as-ta-rózh-na, ak-rá-she-na

    Careful, it is freshly painted!

  • Води́ осторо́жно.

    va-dée as-ta-rózh-na

    Drive carefully.

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