If the audio does not play

Due to a bug in Chrome and other browsers based on Chromium engine, some of the audios might fail to play from time to time.

We’ve been trying to find a solution to this problem for a while, but so far everything we tried did not work.

Until this bug is fixed, the eaisest way to solve it is to use a browser that is not built on Chromium engine, for example Mozilla Firefox.

If you don’t want to change your browser, try this:

Next time you encounter not working audio, refresh the page with clearing browser cache (Control+F5 for Windows, Command+Shift+R for Mac) or open the page in incognito mode. It should force the browser to retrieve the audio file again and the chances are it will work.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and will continue our efforts to find a solution.

Update 12/12/21:

We have updated a few things and it seems to have improved the performance. If you still encounter errors, please clear your browser cache thoroughly (make sure to delete all cache and cookie files). It should fix the problem.