It suits you well in Russian: How to say?

Jun 23, 2020 | How to say it in Russian?

To say it suits you well in Russian, you can use the follow phrases:

Тебе́ идёт.
[tee-byé ee-dyót]
It suits you well. (singular and informal)

Вам идёт.
[vam ee-dyót]
It suits you well. (plural or formal)

Идёт means it goes in Russian. So the phrase literally means it goes to you.

As you might have notices, the pronoun it is omitted in these sentences. You can add it as in the following examples:

Тебе́ э́то идёт.
[tee-byé é-ta ee-dyót]
It suits you well. (singular and informal)

Вам э́то идёт.
[vam é-ta ee-dyót]
It suits you well. (plural or formal)

But to make it sound more natural, use the word так instead of э́то. Так means so:

Тебе́ так о́чень идёт.
[tee-byé tak ó-cheen’ ee-dyót]
It suits you very well like that. (singular and informal)

Вам так идёт.
[vam tak ee-dyót]
It suits you well like that. (plural or formal)

Or, you can specify what exactly suits well to a person:

Тебе́ идёт э́то пла́тье.
[tee-byé ee-dyót é-ta plát’-ye]
This dress suits you well.

Тебе́ о́чень идёт э́та причёска.
[tee-byé ó-cheen’ ee-dyót é-ta pree-chyós-ka]
This haircut suits you very well.

Вам идёт кра́сный цвет.
[vam ee-dyót krás-nyî tsvyet]
The red color suits you well.

If the object that suits is in plural, you should say иду́т instead of идёт:

Тебе́ иду́т э́ти джи́нсы.
[tee-byé ee-dút é-tee dzhéen-sy]
These jeans suit you well.

Вам иду́т э́ти серёжки.
[vam ee-dút é-tee see-ryósh-kee]
These earrings suit you well.

Listen to "It suits you well" in Russian

The audio recording includes all the examples (in bold and blue) listed above.

Related Russian words


[eedtée] Verb , imperfective
to go, to walk

как раз

[kak ras] Phrase
just right, exactly

Related examples

  • Тебе́ о́чень идёт коро́ткая стри́жка.

    teebyé ócheen' eedyót karótkaya stréeshka

    A short haircut suits you very well.

  • Тебе́ о́чень идёт э́то пла́тье.

    teebyé ócheen' eedyót éta plát'ye

    This dress suits you very well.

  • Тебе́ о́чень идёт э́та причёска.

    teebyé ócheen eedyót éta preechýoska

    This hairstyle suits you very well.

  • Э́ти боти́нки мне как раз.

    étee batéenkee mnye kak ras

    These shoes are just right for me.

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