Come on! in Russian: How to say?

Feb 23, 2020 | How to say it in Russian?

There is no direct translation of come on in Russian, but there are a couple of other phrases that you can replace it with.

If you want to encourage someone to do something they do not much want to do, come on can be translated as дава́й (davai) or дава́йте.

Use дава́й, when it’s an informal situation and you are talking to one person. Use дава́йте if it’s a formal situation or you are talking to a few people:

Дава́й, пошли́ потанцу́ем!
[da-váî, pash-lée pa-tan-tsú-yem]
Come on, let’s go dance!

Не остана́вливайся, дава́й, дава́й!
[nye as-ta-náv-lee-váî-sya, da-váî, da-váî]
Don’t stop, come on, come on!

If you want somebody to hurry up:

Ну дава́й уже́, почему́ так до́лго?
[nu da-váî u-zhé, pa-chee-mú tak dól-ga]
Come on, why so long?

Дава́йте, ребя́та, шевели́тесь, мы опа́здываем!
[da-váî-tye, ree-byá-ta, shee-vee-lée-teys’, my a-páz-dy-va-eem]
Come on, guys, move faster, we are going to be late!

When the situation gets a bit tense and you want to take the strain off, you can use ла́дно:

Ла́дно, ребя́та, дава́йте не бу́дем руга́ться и́з-за э́того.
[lád-na, ree-byá-ta, da-váî-tye nye bú-dyem ru-gá-tsa eez-zá é-ta-va]
Come on guys, let’s don’t agrue because of that.

If someone says something that you find silly or unreasonable, you can use да ла́дно:

Да ла́дно тебе́, ты же зна́ешь, что э́то не пра́вда.
[da lád-na tee-byé, ty zhe zná-eesh, chto é-ta nye práv-da]
Come on, you know it’s not true.

Listen to "Come on!" in Russian

The audio recording includes all the examples (in bold and blue) listed above.

Related Russian words


[davát'] Verb , imperfective
to give


[ládna] Particle
all right! agreed! okay! deal!

Related examples

  • Дава́й встре́тимся че́рез час.

    daváî fstryéteemsya chyéryes chas

    Let's meet in an hour.

  • Дава́й встре́тимся за́втра, пообе́даем где́-нибудь?

    daváî fstryéteemsya záftra, paabyédaeem gdyeneebút'

    Let's meet tomorrow, have lunch somewhere?

  • Дава́й возьмём с собо́й зо́нтик, ма́ло ли дождь пойдёт.

    davái vaz'myóm s sabói zónteek, mála lee dozhd' paidyót

    Let's take an umbrella with us, in case it is going to rain.

  • Да ла́дно тебе́ ска́зки расска́зывать!

    da ládna teebyé skáskee raskázyvat'

    Come on, enough telling tales!

  • Да ла́дно, не обижа́йся, я же про́сто шучу́!

    da ládna, nye abeezháisya, ya zhe prósta shuchú

    Come on, don't get offended, I'm just joking!

  • Ла́дно, договори́лись!

    ládna, dagavaréelees'

    Okay, deal!

  • Е́сли друго́го вы́бора нет, тогда́ ла́дно.

    yéslee grugóva výbara nyet, tagdá ládna

    If there is no other choice, then okay.

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