Davai - Meaning in Russian

The word davai in Russian comes from the verb дава́ть (to give).

Davai literally means give, but the Russians use this word in many other situations where it has different meanings.

The most common translation of davai is come on. For example:

Дава́й, пошли́!
[da-váî, pash-lée]
Come on, let’s go!

When you hear davai davai!, it’s a common way to say come on, come on! or do it, do it!.

In other cases davai can mean let’s (do). You can learn more about it here: Russian imperative.

When you address a few people at once or talk in formal tone, davai becomes davaite. You can see the examples of it below.

The infinitive of DAVAI


[davát'] Verb , imperfective
to give

Examples of Davai in Russian

  • Дава́й встре́тимся че́рез час.

    daváî fstryéteemsya chyéryes chas

    Let's meet in an hour.

  • Дава́й возьмём с собо́й зо́нтик, ма́ло ли дождь пойдёт.

    davái vaz'myóm s sabói zónteek, mála lee dozhd' paidyót

    Let's take an umbrella with us, in case it is going to rain.

  • Дава́й договори́мся на сре́ду.

    daváî dagavaréemsya na sryédu

    Let's agree on Wednesday.

  • Дава́й я тебе́ сама́ сошью́ пла́тье на выпускно́й?

    daváî ya teebye samá sash'yú plát'ye na vypusknóî

    Let me sew a prom dress for you?

  • Дава́й не пойдём туда́, смотри́ кака́я о́чередь.

    daváî nye paîdyóm tudá, smatrée kakáya ócheereet'

    Let's not go there, look how long the queue is.

  • Дава́й встре́тимся за́втра, пообе́даем где́-нибудь?

    daváî fstryéteemsya záftra, paabyédaeem gdyeneebút'

    Let's meet tomorrow, have lunch somewhere?

  • Дава́йте подведём ито́ги.

    daváîtye padveedyóm eetógee

    Let's summarize.

  • Дава́йте познако́мимся!

    daváitee paznakómeemsya

    Let's get acquainted!

  • Дава́йте называ́ть ве́щи свои́ми имена́ми.

    daváîtye nazyvát' vyéschee svaéemee eemeenámee

    Let's call a spade a spade (lit. - Let's call the things by their names).

  • Дава́йте договори́мся на сле́дующую сре́ду.

    daváitye dagavaréemsya na slyéduschuyu sryédu

    Let's agree for the next Wednesday.

  • Не дава́й ребёнку чи́псы!

    nye daváî reebyónku chéepsy

    Do not give chips to the baby!

  • Дава́йте встре́тимся послеза́втра.

    daváîtye fstryéteemsya posleezáftra

    Let's meet the day after tomorrow.

  • Дава́йте помири́мся.

    daváîtye paméereemsya

    Let's make it up.

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